For candidates wishing to register for the evaluation test for admission to ENEAM, some documents are to be prepared upstream since these documents will constitute the application file for the evaluation test. This file is to be submitted to the ENEAM office during the registration period that will be published in the announcements that we will make well in advance of the date of the evaluation test.



Registration fees

Assessment test fee : Ar 40 000

Final registration fee : Ar 50 000

Application files

  • A handwritten request addressed to the General Manager of ENEAM
  • One (1) birth certificate, issued less than a year ago
  • One (1) extract from the criminal record (Bulletin n°3) issued for less than 3 months
  • One (1) stamped envelopes addressed to the candidate
  • One (1) certified true copy of the baccalaureate diploma
  • One (1) payment slip of Ar 40,000 (Forty thousand Ariary), registration fee for the assessment test, to be paid directly to the Accounting Officer of the ENEAM on school premises in Ivato
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